Hello my loves. How’s it going, being inside your houses? I really hope that you are keeping well, not too scared or stressed or stir crazy. It’s a strange time. Let’s talk beauty products, shall we? Specifically, tanning drops. You know the ones? Drops that you mix with your regular serum or moisturiser to add colour to your face. Like it a lot, this style of facial tanning. For the body, gradual tanning feels like too much effort, all that standing around in your pants, flailing your arms in an attempt to fan yourself dry. But gradual tanning for the face is just the thing, easy, unlikely to result in any major fails, can be dialled up or down on an incremental basis. Plus we’re in lockdown aren’t we? Shan’t bother to tan my entire body, just the bit that can be seen on Google Hangouts. (What is this Zoom of which people speak? It is new? Have just got TikTok, so my bandwidth for technological newness is at capacity I’m afraid.)
Tan-Luxe were probably the first brand to bring the concept of facial tanning drops to the mainstream and the Tan-Luxe The Face Illuminating Self-Tan Drops were indeed the ones that I had in mind. Largely on account of my love for the Tan-Luxe Super Glow Serum, a hyaluronic acid serum with a hint of self tan in it. The tan portion of the Super Glow serum is incredibly subtle, lovely in the winter when my skin has reached near translucency, but not enough oomph for spring.
And so it was, before the world went wonky, that I found myself stood in the tanning aisle of Boots. What a revelation. There are loads of tanning drops now. From all different brands, Isle of Paradise ones, Skinny Tan ones, options from Vita Liberata and a brand called Tanologist. Felt a little overwhelmed, actually. How do you choose between them? Then it came to me, the plan of action: try the cheapest option first. Which led me to Superdrug and the best beauty discovery that I have made all year. The Solait by Superdrug Tan Boosting Facial Serum.
Cheap as chips but totally brilliant. These Superdrug drops are so, so good. They add just enough colour to make a difference, but not so much that you wake up with orange face white body. Should you want a properly bronzed face, merely apply them on a few consecutive days. And even then, the result is not dramatic (yet not subtle either). Lightly bronzed, not a just-had-a-spray-tan look, nowhere near it. Even better. Healthy, natural looking, the perfect colour. On me. Obviously I am speaking from experience, as a pale skinned person who does tan in sunlight, so cannot speak for other skin tones and types. Nor can I advise you on how the colour fades as I can’t persuade myself to go without using them for long enough to find out.
They mix really nicely with all manner of products – they did make my hyaluronic acid serum go a bit frothy, but have mixed in seamlessly with every other serum and moisturiser I have tried. No stains on your pillow or bedding. No settling into pores. And genuinely fragrance free. Properly superb.
Solait by Superdrug Tan Boosting Facial Serum, £4.99, here.
Til next time,