What I’m Loving This Week: 24.11.19

Eating chocolate and crying at rom-coms is a totally legitimate pastime.


Modern Love, Amazon Prime.

Every episode of this gorgeous TV series from Amazon tells a love story based on real-life essays from the popular New York Times column of the same name. Each episode has a unique story with an entirely new set of characters, but all are joyous, tender and packed full of amazing celebrity cameos. Can thoroughly recommend watching the entire thing, then devouring the The New York Times archive of Modern Love columns. Or buying the book, Modern Love: True Stories of Love, Loss and Redemption, £9.99, here.


Quality Streets, particularly the Orange Creams after I disparaged them on Instagram Stories and was met with a flurry of messages in their defence. Have revisited, they are in fact delicious, am officially a convert.


Winona Metallic Leather Ankle Boots, Anthropology, £160, here.

Are they silver, are they gold, are they going into the sale any time soon because my feet have asked me for them for Christmas and have been ever so good this year, propping up my legs and getting me to places.

Til next time,



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