BareMinerals Anti-Imperfection Treatment Gelée Cleanser

There are only so many Quality Streets one can dispatch before the inevitable. It happens every year. Chocolate is my nemesis, skin wise. And Christmas is prime treat time. So I’m spotty. 

I’m not talking acne, just a bad case of the blemishes. No major draams but you know, annoying. I know what to do. You might think that not eating chocolate would be top of the list, but there are still some of those Lindt balls in the house. So instead, the answer lies in drinking lots of water and a proper skincare routine. Skincare SOS.

Willpower required

By proper skincare routine, I mean the following: cleanse, exfoliate, serum, moisturiser. And when battling blemishes it’s the first two steps that make all the difference. 

But this year I made an exciting discovery. I’ve added in an extra step. A second cleanse. And after three days, a significant improvement. After five, completely clear skin.

The second cleanser in question is the bareMinerals Anti-Imperfection Gelée Cleanser, £17. It’s a gel cleanser with some interesting ingredients – sea salts, peppermint and ginger extracts, and salicylic acid (a liquid exfoliator that removes dead skin cells, clears pores and reduces redness). 

Although it actually does a good job of removing face makeup (avoid the eyes, the peppermint and ginger make it a bit stingy), I prefer to remove makeup as usual then have another cleanse with this stuff, as a treatment step. Plus it gives the ingredients time to work their magic if applied directly to a clean face. 

It doesn’t irritate my dry, dehydrated skin, nor make it feel tight. Just clean and soft. 

Who knows if it was the cleanser, the double cleanse, or pure chance, but I got the bareMinerals cleanser for Christmas and had a blemish free NYE. So I’m pledging my love. It might be a brief affair, or it might be the real deal, it’s too early to tell. But if the party season has been cruel to your complexion too, this could be worth a look. 

Til next time,



2 thoughts on “BareMinerals Anti-Imperfection Treatment Gelée Cleanser

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